Come join this info night for all the information on my March, 2023 wellness retreat:

Be Well to Do Better.

Are you ready to create a body, a mind, and a community that you love?

Join me, Anne O'Connor, for a time of dreaming--about more choice, about more flexibility, about less pain, and about standing for what matters in our lives with passion and integrity. In this info night, I will share the details of my upcoming March, 2023 retreat. We're going to learn to Be Well to Do Better. We're going to a quiet, private home right on the Caribbean Sea, just north of Tulum, in Mexico. I'll share details about how to join the retreat--and start making those dreams come true. I love helping committed people keep becoming who they want to be. Fill out the form below, get the Zoom link sent to your email, and I'll see you soon!

Part rejuvenation, part revelation: All fun.